Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good times with old times!

Last night we had the first part of our thirtieth medical class reunion. It was graciously hosted in the home of Doug and Shawn Hobson. It was good to see the lovely faces of my classmates, Most of whom are still slogging it out in full time practices all over the continent!

Bonuses of the evening were having my daughter Caitlin Join our former band members Randy and Ann to sing some old songs and a couple of new tunes. She was superb!

Double bonus was having our classmate Orla Come out of vocal retirement and join us for "operator"!

It is probably the sign of the brittleness of my aging That I found a great deal of the evening overwhelming. We somehow gathered around the indoor swimming pool Which was an acoustic and physical nightmare. Most of my memories of the evening are visual as I could hear very little of what everyone was saying. We had fun with singing together but really have no idea of how we sounded. I found myself having little waves of panic all night long and wanted to leave even before we sang. It was at the admonition of my wife and the stronger admonition of my daughter that I bit the bullet and stayed. And I did still have fun!

Looking forward to the quieter venue at the Fort Gary hotel tonight.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on the MTS High Speed Mobility Network

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