Friday, October 7, 2011

At the end of the day

What a day we have had today! I am beyond tired but my heart is full. We had 29 learners for our course on resilience, again mostly the same young adults that hung out with us yesterday. We started with one of those spontaneous moments where I asked the group what the best SiSwati word for resilience was. This led to a great roar of conversations, laughter and arguments until they arrived at "kuvuselela" "bouncing back". So today we taught on kuvuselela!

So many of the folks were stars in the workshop-
Duncan and his humour and ability to lead the group. Khumela 6ft4 with his all expressive arms and legs with more than a dash of drama, all applied to the content and spirit of the workshop. Sue with her spritely wisdom. Bubu with his enthusiasm and mildly goofy presentation. Phinda, a quiet 19 year old who is intent on becoming a psychiatrist. He gave bright and insightful answers and reflections. He also has incredible balance and grace in some of the movement exercises we did for grounding. Enoch is one of youth leaders who lives at Litsemba. He has both humour and depth, often serving as translator when English and SiSwati were having a clumsy dance with each other. I could go on and on. I will miss these young adults.

Saturday and Sunday Sandra and I are teaching here at Betor House on boundaries, resilience and vicarious traumatisation. Yay! No bumpy bakkie rides for two days.

Our next adventure after that is to drive out to Mozambique to teach and serve at a ministry for women in prostitution. I'm glad to be going as a team. This is new territory for both of us.

Full schedule. God is good. Time to go sleep.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on the MTS High Speed Mobility Network

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