Friday, October 7, 2011

Daantjie days

We're just beginning the third of four days at Litsemba Center in the township of Daantjie Northeast of Nelspruit. The past two days were spent helping at the first-ever health clinic run out of the center. In the first day we saw 19 children. The second day We saw 30 children and and 11 adults. It would be probably larger today. As the word gets out.

Its now the end if the day. We taught 35 to 40 people in the morning on Motivational Interviewing and 29 in the afternoon on helping people who are suicidal. The largest group were SiSwati youth leaders in the schools. There were a few older adults as well. Most of the folks got something out of the sessions. And a few were brilliant. And only a couple played on their cellphones...

Anna the physicians assistant was kept busy all day seeing children. The first two days I helped her with dispensing meds, consulting with some, and praying with folks.

Tomorrow Sandra and I teach on resilience.

Please pray for our energy, my infected thumb and continued team unity (which has been good so far).

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on the MTS High Speed Mobility Network

1 comment:

  1. It's good to read that things are going well so far (except for your thumb). You seem to have a very full schedule. Be blessed and may God bless your work.
